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Laura Hoffpauir - Core Club Room Volunteer 


My husband Kyle and I have been married over 30 years. We have 6 children, including a young adult daughter who has spina bifida. I come from a big close-knit family, but we also have many friends who are like family to us. I recognize that some people don’t have many close relatives, or their families may be far away or just not particularly understanding or supportive. If that’s your situation, I hope you’ll find some of the support you need through the connections you make through this club.

I’m passionate about education. I believe education needs to be gentle and natural, respecting the child’s God-given curiosity and natural abilities. My degree is not in education, and I don’t have a teaching certificate, but over the years I have homeschooled all of my children, tutored other people’s children, taught small homeschool co-op classes, spoken at homeschool events, and taught religious education classes. When my youngest daughter graduates and I “retire” from homeschooling, I’m sure that I will continue in the education field in some way. I still love learning myself, and I have a strong desire to instill and nurture a love of learning in others.


I love nature, especially watching and listening to birds. I love games, especially word games and logic puzzles, and crafts of all sorts, including crochet, which I learned from my grandmother when I was a young girl. I love listening to live music, from the church choir my daughters sing in to the rock n roll cover band in which my husband plays guitar and one of my sons sings.


I believe that my most important mission in life is to know, love, and serve God to the best of my ability. We are all God’s beloved children, and as we come to know and love one another, as we serve and graciously allow ourselves to be served by one another, we begin to fulfill this mission.

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